60 dance couples from more than 25 countries of the world are going to the U21 World Championships in Latin-American dance!

As one of the organizers Mr. Petr Odstrčil told us, applications for this top event are coming in every day.

The audience has a lot to look forward to. The U21 category is full of rising stars of DanceSport who will showcase a huge range of movement, dynamics and energy.

The Czech Republic will also have its own handcuffs. The biggest expectation is from Jonáš Tománek and Šárka Kosmáková, who placed 4th in this category at the recent European Championships.

O Mistrovstvi sveta je obrovsky zajem brnoopen 2023 3 | World Dance Sport Championships
There is a huge interest in the World Championships in Brnoopen 2023 _2