Brno Open 2024.

The 22nd edition took place on 20 – 22 September 2024 in the hall of the Faculty of Sports Studies of MUNI Brno.

This year’s edition brought to Brno again the world’s top dancers in standard and Latin American dances, who entertained a packed sports hall.

On Saturday 21.9. competitions in Latin American dances were held in the categories Junior 1, Junior 2, Youth and Adults and in the evening there was also a competition of professionals in standard dances.

Saturday’s programme culminated with a Gala Evening, to which many distinguished guests were invited, including the Mayor of the Statutory City of Brno Markéta Vaňková, a member of the Board of the National Sports Agency František Horák, the advisor to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic for sport Jiří Nykodým and many others…

Saturday’s gala evening was performed by Jan Onder and Kamila Tománková from the TV show Stardance.
The winner of the TV show Stardance Veronika Lálová and Ritmo Factory, who performed their samba show.

In the evening part, the finals of the WDSF World Open Latin and WDSF PD Open Standard competitions were held with Czech representation.
The Latin part was won by the dance couple Jakub Lipowsky – Terza Kučerová and the beautiful third place went to another Czech couple Tomáš Gál – Sabina Karásková .

Complete results HERE

As expected, the standard dances of professionals were dominated by the Czech representatives David Odstrčil – Tara Bohak.It was a really special evening for this dance couple, because here they ended their long and very successful career, when together they achieved the title of World Champions in combination.

Complete results HERE

On Sunday 22.9. came the standard part of the categories Junior 1, Junior 2, Youth and a well cast WDSF World Open Adult competition.
The Junior 1 category was dominated by the Czech dance couple David Kasal – Sara Odstrčilová.

Complete results HERE

The Brno Open dance competition brought many amazing dance couples, judges and fans from all over the world to Brno and the Czech Republic.

Next year we can look forward to the biggest and most important event in dance sport WDSF World Latin American Dance Championships, which will take place on Saturday 18.10.2025 in Brno!

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